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HomeInnovationTravelTech StartupsThe Ultimate Digital Nomad Tool-Kit Checklist

The Ultimate Digital Nomad Tool-Kit Checklist

A lot of digital nomads today choose to live a minimalistic life, owning a few clothes and necessary tools to work effectively. This helps lessen the burden of packing and unpacking as you move from one place to another.

Besides this, the minimalistic lifestyle is an excellent route, setting yourself free from material baggage, focusing on enjoying the surroundings, and seeing life without a price tag.

But what exactly are the essentials that every digital nomad needs? Read on for the top ten most recommended tools to bring with you!

The Digital Nomad Tool-Kit Checklist: 10 Things You Need

You don’t want to overload your backpack with unnecessary items, as this weighs you down and clutters your work life.

Rather than bring everything with you, here are the ten helpful tools you should consider getting so you can work properly and achieve goals:

1. A Trusty Laptop

Photo by Alizée Baudez on Unsplash

This is a crucial digital nomad tool, as you most likely won’t be able to work without it. Most digital nomads opt for the MacBook Air, though the Asus or Acer works exceptionally well, too.

You can’t work without a laptop, it needs to work with all your software!”

These have great storage sizes and can pack a punch, even when using heavy-duty software for editing, programming, writing, or other forms of work. Make sure that they have adequate battery life and a strong body to last for long hours of working!

2. Your Smartphone

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

A smartphone is crucial no matter who you are and where you’re from. However, you can’t invest in just ANY smartphone, but something that can pack a punch and is suitable for the digital nomad who takes their entire work and life in their handy gadget.

I recommend that you get reputable brands such as Apple and Samsung, coming with bigger storage sizes and faster processors. These will be able to handle a lot of your work data and apps for work and travel. Plus, they’ll have an awesome camera to document your memories!

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3. High-Quality Headset

A high-quality headset is versatile and will be used for just about anything. It’s most useful for meetings with bosses and clients, so you can hear them clearly without garble and misunderstanding on their side.

You can also use them for listening to music as you work or travel, and for calling family to let them know you’re doing great!

I recommend you invest in noise-canceling ones with a good mic, which is helpful when in noisy cafes and co-working areas.

4. Global Internet Connection

When you are a digital nomad, you will need consistent and reliable Internet most times, if not 24/7! However, there will be areas that have terrible or no WiFi, which hinders your work progress.

“Don’t go without the Internet, especially when you have an important meeting coming up!”

Today, there are now global hotspots available, which are small devices you can carry everywhere, having enough Internet in case you find yourself in an area without WiFi. These can save you from slow to no connections, or you can rely on it completely so you won’t have to scour the area for good WiFi.

5. External Hard Drive

Because you’re a digital nomad, expect a huge portion of your life and job to be digitized. Unfortunately, even with the best gadgets, you won’t be able to fit all your work data! Sure, you can use online backups, but they are limited and may pose a security risk (plus, you can’t access it without the Internet!).

That’s why it’s best to invest in an external hard drive for a security method, accessing your files wherever you are. You won’t have to worry about losing your data on your laptop or online!

6. Productivity and Budget Planner

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Whether you’re working from home, in the office, or around the world, you have to manage your budget! That’s why it’s important to have designated notebooks and planners for both your expenses and productivity.

List down your daily expenses and monthly dues, ranging from food and groceries down to Internet bills and accommodation. This will help keep you accountable for how much you have to spend and reach financial goals for saving up.

Furthermore, bring a productivity planner to keep your goals on track. Set weekly goals and rate your productivity, reviewing your achievements to stay motivated to work.

7. The Right Mobile Apps and Software

What’s great about technology today is that you have everything you need on your smartphone. There are now use mobile apps to use for convenience as you travel and work, ranging from productivity apps down to helping you choose your accommodation.

Here are important apps to consider getting:

• AirBnB and for booing any kind of accommodations

• Skyscanner when searching for cheap and convenient flights

• Productivity and work management apps like Toggl, Trello, Evernote, and TomatoTimer

• Maps.Me to help you navigate your way around any city

• TransferWise and XE Currency for money woes

• WorkFrom to find the best co-working spaces

• iTranslate to help break language barriers when English isn’t an option

8. Health Care Insurance

This is a must-have when traveling as you never know what can happen when abroad! Make sure that you get healthcare and travel insurance when traveling. While you can pay for doctor’s visits and medication yourself, it would be difficult paying in case of accidents.

Fortunately, many insurance companies offer affordable and comprehensive plans that work for you. These won’t only cover for accidents and hospital fees, but consultations and other “simple” fees, like medications. This will save you a lot of money in the long run!

9. Strong and Thief-Proof Backpack

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Of course, you’ll require a bag to bring all your stuff in! I prefer bringing a backpack over suitcases, which are more troublesome to bring around. They’re a breeze when in airports and not too heavy to lug around when moving to different areas.

People don’t realize the power of a trusty backpack, which can last for years of traveling!”

However, you shouldn’t get just ANY type of backpack, you’ll want something made with strong quality for your heavy equipment and other necessities.

I recommend that you get a strong and thief-proof backpack that can work as a soldier bag, day bag, or even as carry-on suitcases.

10. Enough Funds For Your Trips

Lastly, you need to prepare adequate funds to travel! This isn’t exactly a tool, but I consider it as such because you won’t be able to move around (or even invest in any of the tools above!) without it.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I recommend that you have funds for at least three months’ worth of traveling, as well another account meant for emergencies. This gives you some cushioning when you’re new to the area and allows you to settle in with new work without too much pressure. When going to Asia, it’s good to prepare at least $5,000, which is more than enough for three months and with some to save for emergencies.

Wrapping It Up

It’s best to simplify the digital nomad life to free yourself from clutter and disorganization. This will help you travel lighter and have an easier time getting from one place to another. And thanks to technology, we have apps and planners we can use in our gadgets, lessening the number of physical items we need. CoTraveling in Asia with fellow digital namads can be good source for new information.

Begin looking into getting these essentials to successfully become a digital nomad now!

R. Wallace
R. Wallace
A digital nomad travelling in Asia and TheDigitalNomad.Asia Editor. Please read my article and I hope you will get inspired to go travelling as a digital nomad. You are welcome to comment and share the article with fellow travelers.

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